Saturday, May 30, 2020

30 Dangerous Personal Branding Habits

30 Dangerous Personal Branding Habits 145 Which of these bad personal branding habits have you struggled with? Of the list that follows, here are a few that have bitten me in the past, and occasionally come back to haunt: Over-staying in your comfort zone Break this habit by replacing it with a good one- Once you start feeling comfortable with where your personal brand is at, take that feeling as a warning sign that you need to come up with new brand-building ideas and start executing on them.eval Trying to do everything by yourself Just because it's your personal brand doesn't mean you need to do all the branding work. If you're serious about your brand, get assistance and expertise from people who can execute better than you at specific tasks.eval Letting yourself be overwhelmed into inactivity Being overwhelmed is a result of a lack of priorities and a lack of organization. The most common example today is probably the ever-overflowing email inbox, a situation now made worse with the addition of social media messaging and cellphone text messaging. Here, you need to figure out which messages are most important and act on those ASAP while blocking everything else. Once you're done, go through the latter and block as much as you can permanently. For more specific ideas, google ‘organize inbox'. And now for the complete list… 30 bad habits Outright lying. Being inauthentic or just fake. Not delivering on promises, or just things you said you would do. Not following up. Aiming for quantity, not quality. Not measuring what you do, which makes it that much harder to know what you really achieved or not. Spending too much time measuring, or getting caught up in analysis paralysis. Not listening enough to your audience. Too much self-promotion. Navel gazing (too much self-focus). Not dressing the part. Being too aggressive. Over-staying in your comfort zone. Lacking confidence i.e. not being aggressive enough. Not having a plan. Lacking focus. Being inconsistent. Unintentionally frustrating potential brand loyalists. Switching tools, systems and/or methodologies too often. Too much branding reuse such as excessive cross-posting on social media. Trying to do everything by yourself. Over exposure. Lack of exposure. Unnecessary hyping. Having unrealistic expectations. Building unrealistic expectations in others. Letting yourself be overwhelmed into inactivity. Spending too much effort online, not enough offline. Spending too much effort offline, not enough online. Not spending enough effort anywhere. READ NEXT: 5 Good Personal Branding Habits For Bloggers. I originally published this article on the terrific Personal Branding Blog.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Must-Know Employer Branding Trends

5 Must-Know Employer Branding Trends Employer branding is changing, and fast. Gone are the days when a solid onboarding policy and weekly yoga class were enough to get your brand noticed by the right talent. We spoke to Samantha Hepburn a freelance community consultant, co-founder of Circle, and founder of Find a Tech Job to find out where employer branding is going to go in the next 18 months and beyond. Here’s what you need to know to stay ahead of the curve: 1. Gig economy As more businesses hire freelance employees the need to focus on employer branding is greater than ever. Employers need to make sure that they offer a positive experience to all candidates and staff, regardless of their contract. The ‘’one-size-fits-all’’ approach to employer branding will no longer be feasible in the gig economy. Employers must now tailor their strategies. ‘’Employer branding may now differ from team to team depending on how big the organization is. It will depend on what the overall culture of the business is and what it is like to work for each specific department. People have to get a lot more creative,’’ states Hepburn. 2. Authenticity In 2018, the need to be authentic will come to the forefront of employer branding. Businesses must communicate their brand in a truthful way and ensure that their global reputation is aligned with their staff’s opinions. Hepburn explains the importance of this further. ‘’More and more people talk to each other now.  In the past, we took advice from influencers and celebrities but now we are more likely to do something based on a colleague, a friend, or a friend of a friend’s suggestion. ‘It is so much easier to access information thanks to websites like Glassdoor. People are openly stating what it’s like to work in their job. The company might say they’re doing one thing but previous employees are stating what they actually do. There’s no hiding.’’ An easy way to achieve authenticity is to put real people at the forefront of your employer branding. Employee testimonials and an emphasis on staff happiness are a great first step. 3. Corporate social responsibility Or CSR is becoming more important. Employees want their companies to operate responsibly and to address social and environmental issues in their area and around the world. While many companies are making CSR a part of their overall strategy, others are placing it at their company’s core. Ben and Jerry’s, for example, are dedicated to using only fair trade ingredients and have invested in a sustainability programme. While TOMS shoes donate one pair of shoes to people in need for every pair sold. Hepburn develops this point further arguing that companies also need to give employees the chance to do their part on an individual level. ‘’A lot of companies are giving one extra day of annual leave to employees who do something good socially. I see a lot of people taking up roles that might be paid less because they are given the opportunity to get out and do something different.’’ Afterall, everybody wants to cash in on all that good karma. 4. Offline events Introverts beware! 2018 will see the return of face-to-face events as more people move away from the digital space towards actual human interaction. Hepburn believes that we have now come ‘’full circle’’ as we begin to take our outreach offline. Seminars, think-ins, and even career events will become increasingly popular but there will also be a great need for specificity. Events will need to be tailor-made to suit their audiences needs and interests. Afterall, if you just wanted a social chat you would go to the pub with your mates. Hepburn also believes that these offline events should be based on ‘’experience and learning from others.’’ 5. Social media will continue to grow The importance of social media will continue to rise over the next year, so having a strong social media strategy in place will be crucial. However, it’s important to carefully consider which social platforms to invest in depending your target audience. Just because you’re passionate about Snapchat filters does not mean that it is the best way to build your employer brand. According to Hepburn, this selection process is key: If you’re looking to hire developers you’ll have to go to tech meetups and post on Twitter. If you’re looking to hire designers then you should have a great Instagram account that showcases the design work that you’re doing. About the author:  Alice Murray  is a Content Creator at Jobbio  with a passion for employer branding and graduate development. She’s a keen traveler and a self-proclaimed lazy runner.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What We Can Learn from The LLWS - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What We Can Learn from The LLWS - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career For the past two weeks the Little League World Series (LLWS) has been going on in Williamsport, PA. For those that missed it  I will not spoil it for you.    You can get all the stats here. Like with every LLWS there are a few breakout teams and a few breakout stars that really make the event special. Of course, there is something special about the whole two weeks of LLWS play and in the weeks and months of hard work that lead up to the Pinnacle of Little League. There are things we can take away from the LLWS that can be applied to business and to life. Some of the  standouts this year were: Mone Davis  â€" The Star Pitcher and Youngest Athlete ever on the cover of Sports Illustrated Dave Belisle’s post game speech  â€" As Rhode Island’s coach he showed what youth sports is all about. The Players  â€" Every player gave it their all. They left everything on the field and it showed. Each  stood out for different reasons. The main reason they stand out is because they bring something to the game that defines the game and exemplifies the best of youth sports.  Below are a few takeaways from the LLWS that I think have a direct correlation to business and life. It Takes a Team It was impressive to see and hear the response from a young Mo’ne Davis when asked about being in the spotlight. While she clearly has incredible skills as a pitcher and a player she had the poise, confidence and presence to clearly state that she is just one player. Beyond Little League  â€" At work and in life we are responsible for our own actions and for what we bring to the table. We are often expected and required to work together as a team. It serves us well to remember that and recognize and reward the team members and their contributions. The Pinnacle of their Young Careers As Dave Belisle intoned… this is the best way to end their Little League careers. The great news is that while this may be the pinnacle of their Little League career it’s only just the beginning. They are just barely teenagers. They have a long, long way to go and who knows… some of these kids will go on to greatness in baseball. Many will go onto other things. That’s life. That’s baseball. Beyond Little League… our lives have many parallels. We will inevitably end one thing and move on to another. Perhaps in the same sense that once we’ve completed a degree at university we move on. Or when we complete a project at work we move on. Sometimes there will be no way to go back and do that same project again. That’s ok. Take what you’ve learned and grow from there. Battle to the Last Out Another thing Dave Belisle spoke about was the fact that the players on his team never gave up. They battled to the last out. Beyond Little League We need to give it 100% and push towards the end goals we set for ourselves. Perhaps we will not achieve them, but we will likely learn  a lot about ourselves and our team mates along the way. Only by battling to the end can we know we gave it our all. These are just a few points and takeaways from the Little League World Series. When we realize we are part of a team, that we need to keep learning and that we need to finish what we started we will be recognized for our accomplishments and will Stand Out in our Careers. Congratulations to the kids, the coaches, the parents and the league who put this all together and plan out for an entire year to make sure this is a great experience for all the teams that come from so many places around the United States and around the world. Image and Video Credits are to their respective copyright holders. spirit of america /

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Tell if Your Job is Literally Making You Sick

How to Tell if Your Job is Literally Making You Sick High levels of stress can lead to burnouts, breakdowns and even mental and physical health problems. If your job is causing you too much stress, it could literally be making you sick. Here are some ways to tell if your job is making you sick, learn why you feel this way and how to cope.How to TellAre you feeling overworked, unappreciated or unhappy at work? Do you hate your job? You may be suffering from a poor work-life balance or extensive work-related stress. Here are some ways to tell:Exhaustion - You are tired all the time, even after getting a full night's’ sleep. Unmotivated - You lack motivation at work and possibly even at home. Negativity - You are acting more cynical than usual and experiencing an intake of negative emotions. Headaches - You have been experiencing constant migraines when dealing with problems at work. Lousy Job Performance - You’re performance at work has taken a drastic decline. Relationship Problems - You have been experiencing problems with your wor k and home relationships. Unsatisfied - You don’t feel satisfied with your job and life. Preoccupied - You are distracted and preoccupied with work during leisure time. Recently Diagnosed Health Problems - You go to the doctor because you are feeling ill all the time and learn that you have been diagnosed with a stress-related health issue.Reasons for StressChronic stress causes intense and overwhelming physical and mental problems. There are some common causes for being overstressed at work.You feel overworked - feeling like you have too much on your shoulders at work. You feel weighed down and discouraged about completing all of your tasks. You feel underpaid - You may have been working at your job for a while now and no sign of a raise or promotion. This can be a bit discouraging, knowing you have worked hard and are still trying to make things work on a low salary. Maybe you feel unappreciated too. Communication Overload - Nowadays, there are multiple forms of communication te chnology that we deal with every day at work. This could be a call, text, IM, Email, or a platform like Skype or Slack. Sometimes even all of these at the same time. This can be overwhelming and can make it more difficult to stop thinking about work and take a break. Your resources are limited - You feel like you don’t have enough time or the right resources to get your work completed on time. Unpleasant work environment - maybe you have a terrible boss or a rude coworker. Maybe you didn’t get a promotion that you were hoping for. Maybe your job lacks benefits and perks. Maybe you feel unappreciated. These things could make your work environment feel unpleasant.What You Can Do About ItSometimes a fresh start is all it takes but quitting your job isn’t always going to be an option. So, here are some ways you can deal with work stress.Get Help - Talk through challenges with your co-workers or even your boss. They may be able to help relieve some of your heavy workload. Get organ ized - Go through your desk, throw out any trash and anything that you no longer need. Use manilla folders or dividers to separate tasks and projects. Keeping your desk and work-related items neat and organized can help you feel more in control, not as lost and help you maintain better time management skills. No more multitasking - Try to do one task at a time, instead of trying to do multiple things at once. Giving your full attention to one task at a time helps to avoid mistakes and helps you to keep a clear head. Take breaks - Throughout the day take a couple of minutes to stand up, stretch your legs and take a deep breath. Don’t work through your lunch, Take the time to step away from your desk and recharge your brain. 6-8 hours of sleep - It may sound silly, but a good 6- 8 hours of sleep each night helps prevent burnouts. Exercise Daily - Research shows that exercising in the morning can actually help you to have a more productive and satisfying workday. Exercising gives you the natural energy that it takes to get through the day. Celebrate Milestones - Celebrating milestones and accomplishments is a sure-fire way to make you feel happier in your job. When you are able to see the good, it’s harder to be brought down by the bad.There is always going to be a little bit of stress at any job your work for. Constant stress and anxiety is what you have to worry about. Don’t let work bog you down. Do something about it. Take charge and try following some of these steps to help you remain, calm, healthy and happy while at work.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Resume Writing Services in My Area

Resume Writing Services in My AreaWith a little bit of research and some advance knowledge, you can easily find the right resume writing services in my area. To make things easier, you can use a website that compiles listings of businesses that can provide services related to resume writing. This is one of the most convenient ways to search for the services in your area.Resume writing services are usually grouped by topics. You can choose among general services, general resume writing, and specialized resume writing. To make things simple, it would be best to choose general services since they focus on general resume writing. General services include document review, designing, creating graphics, filling out pre-application forms, etc.You can also look for a professional resume writer in my area. There are freelance writers that can be hired to write your resume. They are very much capable of writing your resume to your specifications. Since hiring these professionals will be an extr a expense, you should first check if they are legitimate and reliable before paying them for your resume.A resume writer who has good experience and skills will surely be of help to you. You should ask for samples of their work. A resume writer who doesn't have the required skills or experience won't be able to impress you. Just by knowing the qualities and skills of a resume writer, you can easily avoid possible scams.Some sites offer free resume services. You just need to create a sample of your resume, fill in your information and submit your resume. If your resume gets accepted, you can get the information of the turnaround time. The fee may vary depending on the complexity of the project and number of completed resumes. It is highly recommended that you hire the services of a professional resume writer.Free resume services are sometimes offered by employers as part of the job advertisement. With just an email, you can be among the thousands of resumes that are being considered for the job you want. An employer can use this service to quickly locate a suitable applicant for a specific position. In this way, the employer can have a clear idea of who to interview for the job.Professional resume writers usually charge a flat fee based on the amount of work they do. Generally, the fee includes the preparation of the resume, editing and proofreading, and printing. This ensures that the resume you have sent is unique and better than the other applicants. With just one visit, you can be assured that your resume is of the best quality.All in all, you can find a resume writer to help you with your resume by using the website listed above. The job advertisement will give you the details on how to use the website. With just one or two days, you can get the information you need on resume writing services in my area. So get started and get the career you deserve!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to Focus on the Priorities in Your Work and Life

How to Focus on the Priorities in Your Work and Life We all know that multitasking is a bad idea. It lowers your IQ and it’s draining to switch from task to task. Yet it’s hard to stop and easy to keep taking things on until you feel overwhelmed and out of control. It’s hard to change the way you’ve been doing things. After all, it’s gotten you this far. But what if you could be just three decisions away from regaining control of your work and life and no longer feeling frazzled, like you’re just getting by? Three decisions away from living a life that’s focused on your true priorities. Well, the good news is you are! We all are. It’s just that we put off these decisions. The 3 Decisions to Focus on Your Priorities A fellow mastermind member â€" let’s call him Stephen â€" had open heart surgery which led to a stroke. He’s fortunate to be recovering well, but he says he’s not the same as he was before the operation. He used to be a “go-go-go” kind of person, multitasking, taking on a ton of projects at a time. Now, he feels like his brain is processing things 30% slower than before. His advice to me was to use the same strategy he’s been using, which allows you to focus on what matters most so you can live your life on purpose and with no regrets. I’ve dubbed this the “SEO Strategy”. It stands for the three decisions to take, which are: How can I Simplify? What can I Eliminate? What can I Outsource? Decision #1: How Can I Simplify? This is about making things more streamlined, direct and efficient. Here are three areas to consider when you’re deciding on how you can simplify your work and life. 1. Identify what’s essential Get clear on what matters most to you. What are the values you want to be guided by? Which tasks and projects are aligned with what’s essential in your work and life? This acts as your guidepost for what you choose to take on and the standard to which you do it. If the work isn’t essential to your path you don’t have to take it on, and if you do it doesn’t have to be your best work. As one professor put it, “sometimes you have to give yourself permission to do B+ work”. 2. Unclutter your space For years, I’ve held on to the excuse that “an uncluttered desk is the sign of an empty mind” to avoid creating a workspace that I love. In reality, having a clean, clear, inviting space to work provides a sense of calm and also helps you to be more creative. From personal experience, it’ll be simpler to find things too. I’m great at taking notes and documenting things, but struggle with being able to retrieve it from the clutter. 3. Think before you do When you’ve got way too much to do, it’s tempting to dive right in and get through as much as you can without “wasting time”. When it comes to simplifying, the key is to think first and create a mini-plan so you can execute on it more smoothly. When you take the time to think upfront, you’re more likely to do the right things in the right ways. And that saves time. When you’re tempted to get going before you think, remember this saying I learned in the UK: “more haste, less speed.” When it comes to simplifying, the key is to think first and create a mini-plan so you can execute on it more smoothly. As you implement “think before you do”, look for ways you can create templates or other repeatable processes to save time the next time you have to do that task. For example, researching potential clients, onboarding new team members or writing letters of recommendation. I call this “template-izing” your work. You’ll also find it helpful to batch your tasks as another way to simplify. Grouping the same kind of tasks so you can do them in the same sitting is a great way to save time and reduce the cost of switching between different activities. Like setting aside different chunks of time for doing administrative tasks (such as filing or travel planning) versus returning phone calls versus writing presentations. This also allows you to do those batched tasks at the time of day that’s best for you. For example, I’m best at thinking and strategizing in the morning and doing administrative tasks in the afternoon. Decision #2: What Can I Eliminate? This is where the real magic happens. In fact, Stephen tells me that more than half of the changes he’s made using the SEO Strategy have been in the “eliminate” category. While there are some things Stephen simply can’t do for medical reasons, I’m guessing that most of us could easily eliminate at least 25% of the things we’re doing. However, this is also the hardest of the three decisions because letting go is not easy whether it’s thoughts, things or relationships. Here are a few areas to consider when you’re deciding what to eliminate. Events: Are there invitations you say “yes” to out of habit, like monthly meetups with a group you’ve outgrown or dinner with people who drain your energy? Perhaps you could call a “truce” on expensive birthday gifts? Projects: Which ones are not leading you to your bigger aspirations? Are there some that are holding you back from doing what you’ve identified as mattering most? How many are things that help someone else at your expense? You may find there are some projects you wanted to get rid of, but on reflection are actually important to your future success â€" then you can pursue them with greater motivation! Mental: What’s on your plate that causes you anxiety? To what extent are you experiencing unnecessary worry and stress? What would happen if you eliminated this “internal churn” and directed that valuable mindspace and energy to your true priorities? Old habits: Are there things you do (or do a certain way) because that’s how you’ve always done them? Are there rituals that are unnecessary or counterproductive for you, like checking email first thing in the morning before you even get out of bed? People: Who drags you down versus lifts you up? What could you do to eliminate contact with them or at least minimize their effect on you? I once “fired” a client because I could no longer trust him (he made a statement that I passed on to my senior management, and it became a huge embarrassment when it turned out that he had lied to me). Is there someone you need to “fire” from your life? Decision #3: What Can I Outsource? While “eliminate” is about the fact that not everything has to be done, “outsource” is about the fact that not everything has to be done by you. When focusing on your priorities, not everything has to be done. And not everything has to be done by you. Women, especially mothers, are particularly at risk of believing that you personally need to do a whole lot more than you actually need to do. So if that’s you, pay special attention! Tasks: Resist the urge to think that you have to do every step of the work to deserve credit for the result. Of course you want to give credit to others for their contributions, but you’re past the days of proudly declaring to your parents “I did this all by myself!” At work, you can think of this as delegating. Frankly, you can get more credit for leading a team that delivered the result or for being someone who collaborates with others instead of doing it all yourself. Plus, you’ll have preserved time to work on something else that potentially creates even more value. What could you have delegated this past week and what would that have freed you up to do? How could you apply that to future situations? At home, this could be outsourcing homework help (by hiring a math tutor, my friend improved her relationship with her son and he got better grades), cooking, cleaning or any number of household tasks and errands. More broadly, some prime candidates to outsource or delegate include: Things that many others can do, such as: running errands (think dry cleaning pickups, food shopping, ironing), household tasks (like cleaning or cooking), and routine tasks at work (for example, filing or making travel plans). Things experts can do better than you can (assuming you’re not the expert), such as: Tax preparation Analyzing legal documents Making your PowerPoint slides look gorgeous Things that are cheaper for others to do than doing it yourself. Things that don’t bring you joy. Decisions: Your brain has a limited ability to make decisions, so sometimes you need to outsource them to someone else or create an automatic/default process. Your brain has a limited ability to make decisions, so sometimes you need to outsource them to someone else or create an automatic/default process. When you leave it to someone else to decide, whether that’s allowing your family members to choose the vacation destination or how to implement a new program, don’t bring it back onto your plate. And creating a default process means deciding in advance on certain routine choices that come up regularly. For example, what to wear (e.g., Steve Jobs and the black turtleneck look) and what to eat (a former CEO I know always orders Chicken Caesar Salad for lunch). While this may not result in the greatest variety, it will save you time and energy for the true priorities in your life. You Have a Choice Maybe you’re like my good friend, Stephen, who felt a sense of accomplishment from juggling so many tasks and keeping all the balls in the air. I’ve been like that too, but it comes at a price and it wears thin after a while. When Stephen shared the three decisions with me, it was from painful personal experience of having to make a change. But you have a choice. So why wait until a life-changing event forces you into making a change? You can substantially improve your life right now by choosing to… Simplify. Eliminate. And Outsource. Which of these would help you the most if you implemented it right now? Leave a comment and let me know.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The National Online Recruitment Awards 2019 Vote How2Become

The National Online Recruitment Awards 2019 Vote How2Become How2Become have got some really exciting news â€" we’re entering the National Online Recruitment Awards (NORA) in the category of ‘Best Employment Advice Website’. Now, however, we need your help! Will you help us to land this highly prestigious award? Read on, for more information.The National Online Recruitment AwardsThe National Online Recruitment Awards recognise sustained business excellence over the course of one year. NORA focuses specifically on the recruitment sector, and the awards are given to the companies which provide jobseekers with the best possible standards of care. The NORAs cover a wide range of categories, including recruitment, employment, and career advice, and are hosted by the NORA Academy â€" a board whose membership consists of all past finalists and winners since 2000. Why Vote For Us?So, why vote for us? As many of you will know, over the past fifteen years How2Become has been offering essential recruitment, career and education advice to those that require it. In the past year, here’s just a few of our accomplishments:-We’ve helped hundreds of people to pass the brand-new police officer selection process;-We’ve assisted applicants in becoming train drivers, army officers, and even beauty therapists;-We’ve produced award-winning educational test books, to help children ace their exams;The above is just a smidgen of all the hard work we’ve done in the last year, to help other people find their dream career, and help them achieve testing success. Every day, we push ourselves to the limit, to bring you the very latest updates and career news.How To VoteIt takes just two minutes to vote. You can submit your nomination via the official NORA vote page:If you’ve voted, get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, we’ll keep delivering excellent career and educational advice! This entry was posted in News, Resources. Bookmark the permalink. Jordan Cooke UK Police Recruitment 2019: 20,000 New Pol ice Recruits!HR Manager Interview Questions: Ace Your Human Resources Interview! One thought on “National Online Recruitment Awards 2019: Vote How2Become!” Daniel gitau wairobi says:How can I apply because I don’t know how one apply August 12, 2019 at 11:30 am Reply